Institutional Members
The annual membership period is January 1 – December 31 of each year. The remuneration is set at €3,500 (€2,500 membership dues plus €1,000 for administration costs). For new members, the remuneration is prorated according to the date of joining as follows:
Note: Once Accredited, there is an additional Accreditation Maintenance fee of €495/year starting the year after accreditation is granted.
Affiliated Institution
The annual dues for an Affiliated Institution are 2,000 € per year, with prorated quarterly adjustments as follows.
Opportunity to ‘Freeze’ 2024 Prices
At the beginning of 2025, ATHEA increased its membership fees for the first time since founding. In light of our anticipated growth following EQAR listing, the ATHEA Board has authorized an opportunity for members to ‘freeze’ current pricing. This initiative allows members to secure existing rates before potential increases occur. Interested members can choose from three tiers designed to provide flexibility while supporting ATHEA’s mission:
All Tiers will give your institutions the right to call itself a “First Mover” ATHEA member and will have this noted on their logo and at the ATHEA website. This offer is also available to schools who are not yet Institutional Members of ATHEA. If you are still considering joining ATHEA, this is a perfect opportunity for you to become a “First Mover” and secure 2024 prices! (This offer will be available until the end of 2025*.)
*Disclaimer: This offer is valid until through December 31, 2025. If you have already paid the membership fee for 2024, you will receive credit for any fee paid above the ‘frozen’ fee. Please note that while we are committed to our mission and aim to serve our members for many years to come, unforeseen circumstances such as mergers or legal changes may affect ATHEA’s operations. In such cases, one-time investments are not refundable.